I made this very special house known on the German-speaking markets. PURE Life Experince accompanied as an exhibitor and inspired the corresponding luxury travel designers in the hotel.
Completely in German. markets. Increase in sales approx. 20% pa. Visited trade fairs, trained organizers and travel agencies, held roadshows with lectures and much more to make the brand even better known.
I introduced the travel agencies to this extraordinary resort right on the sea and in one of the best surf spots in Morocco through training courses.
This beautiful, underrated island had to be presented to travel agencies and smaller tour operators. A wonderful Oktoberfest event in Munich was one of the highlights of a series of events that I organized. And because we have done such an excellent job, the hotel will be back in our portfolio in January 2023.
Assistent to VP
Operations Maldives, Bali and Thailand
Marketing Manager Online and Offline
PM Emirate
PM Greece
PM Morocco
PM group tours
PM Sports Live
PM Family
PM Grichenland
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